Apple Kale Celery Grapefruit Power Juice

Ready to try this juice recipe complete with fiber, calcium, magnesium, vitamin C, antioxidants, and minerals? Fruits and vegetables come together to make this healthy juice perfect for breakfast or snack to get you going through your day.

 {Texas Craft House} Power Juice

I am new to juicing. I got my first juicer about 2 weeks ago and I've been hooked ever since. I had been eyeing juicers for sometime now because I had heard and researched all the benefits of juicing your fruits and vegetables. I make smoothies on a pretty regular basis and now I have added juicing into my routine. It's to the point now if I don't get one or the other my body starts to crave it. This morning I woke up with my last bit of "harvest" - aka I need to go grocery shopping - for the week. Still being a juicing newbie and not an expert on combinations just yet I googled my ingredients, "apple, kale, celery and grapefruit" just to make sure it was a common good-tasting mixture. It took me right to Juices101 This is an awesome juicing website complete with recipes and the nutrition benefits of these tasty creations. Following the recipe here I laid out all my ingredients: grapefruit, apple, lime, 1/4 cucumber, 1/3 head of kale and 4 celery.


{Texas Craft House} Power Juice


Then I prepped my produce with a good washing and I removed the peels of my grapefruit and lime. I've read some recipes leave the peel on but my juicer recommends removing them so I've gotten in the habit of doing that. Then I dropped them all in my juicer and let it do it's magic.

{Texas Craft House} Power Juice

I really liked this recipe. It made almost 3 cups total and it kept me full for several hours. I could only really taste the celery and grapefruit but subtly. The best part? I got in 6 servings of fruits and vegetables in before even stepping out the door. I'll take that!

Have you tried juicing?


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