New Mom Gift
Today I wanted to share a new mommy gift my husband and I made for my sister-in-law Brandi. Before we went to see Brandi, we spent the day cooking to bring her a homemade meal that she, her husband and son could enjoy.
I searched on pinterest for new mom ideas and I found the blog:Dwell on Joy. This amazing blog has all kinds of sewing and craft projects, yummy recipes, photography and so much more! I found the new mom gift idea here. The owner made these recipes on her own and they were very easy to follow. Below is a picture of the finished product.
First I made the roasted corn and potato chowder soup that has fresh thyme in it (very simple!).
Of course, if you have soup you need some bread to go with it. As the blog suggested I purchased frozen rolls and placed them in tupperware with the cooking directions cut off.
Next up, fresh fruit. I used fresh green grapes, blueberries and strawberries. You could you anything you want here.
Then, the fruit will make her think of dessert so we gave her (according to the blog THE BEST muffins ever!) Caramel-Banana-Pecan muffins.
I stored the food in new tupperware for her to keep and topped them with two gifts, a little onsie for Sophia and a dirt bike toy for Taylor (for being a new big brother).
I also gave a pink tutu that I made last month. The tutorial is here. It is homemade, inexpensive and easy to make.
I hope you enjoyed this new mom gift. You could also alter it for mommy-to-be's. Don't forget to visit the blog that inspired me, she made it really easy to follow. My husband and I really enjoyed putting this together.
Do you have another recipe idea that would work with this idea?